Pensar el cine 2
Gerardo Yoel
Un diálogo sobre cine y los venidos a menos
Jorge Luis Borges
Tennesse Williams en el cine
Maurice Yacovar
Súper Holliwood
Juan Manuel Domínguez
The Great Adventures Films
Tony Thomas
The Films of Harrison Ford (Third Ed.)
Michael Lewis · Lee Pfeiffer
The Complete Films of Lawrence Olivier
Jerry Vermilye
Silvana Mangano
Giovanni Cimmino · Stefano Masi
A World of Movies
Richard Lawton
Flesh and Fantasy
Penny Stallings
Almanach du cinéma
Philippe d' Hugues
Eduardo Mignogna
Pictorial History of Gone with the Wind
Gerald Gardner · Harriet Modell Gardner
Clint Eastwood
François Guerif
The Films of Mae West
Jon Tuska
Gene Tierney
Pascal Mérigeau
Estrellas estrelladas
Luis Miguel Carmona
El ABC de Groucho Marx
Stefan Kanfer
The Filmmaker Says
Jamie Thompson Stern
The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers
Thomas A. Crowell
The Insider's Guide to Independent Film Distribution
Stacey Parks
Andrea Cagan · Wendy Walker
The Independent Film Producer's Survival Guide
Gunnar Erickson · Mark Halloran · Harris Tulchin
43 Ways to Finance Your Feature Film (3rd ed.)
John W. Cones
The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters
Karl Iglesias
Independent Feature Film Production
Gregory Goodell
Independent Film Distribution
Phil Hall
Screenrwiting Tips, You Hack
Xander Bennett
Filmmakers and Financing
Louise Levison
What They Don't Teach You at Film School
Camille Landau · Tiare White