Instrucción del estanciero
José Hernández
The Machine that Changed the World
Daniel Jones · Daniel Roos · James Womack
Procesos de manufactura
H. S. Bawa
Topografía para ingenieros
Philip Kissman
Frame Relay
Jeff T. Buckwalter
ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM (4th ed.)
William Stallings
Teletraffic Technologies In ATM Networks
Hiroshi Saito
Redes ATM
Luis Guijarro Coloma
Virtual Private Networks
Dave Kosiur
Ethernet Networks (3rd Edition)
Gilbert Held
Cisco IOS Access List
Jeff Sedayao
Theory and Problems of College Physics (8th Edition)
Frederick J. Beuche · John R. Dennison · Mark Riffe